We give thanks, praise and all glory to our Heavenly Father who opens the new year of 2022.
I am convinced that Jesus, the head of the church, perfects the saints, builds the church, and makes it grow.
This year, we worship in spirit and in truth under the motto "Put on the new man".
Education, evangelism, and missions! All these things are harmonized in the Lord, with the same great worship as the early church andSmall group meeting Graceful throughout We hope to grow into a church.
First, the church grows when we all become one in the Holy Spirit.
One Spirit, one Lord, one God, one faith, one body
Let us all unite in the Holy Spirit so that we may have the same words, the same mind, and the same will.
Second, The church grows when we all become one through love. We are all lacking. If we humbly learn the Word, look back at each other with love, and fill the shortcomings of others, we will all become one. Let's look at each other. Love covers a multitude of sins.
Third, When we are all armed with the Word and prayer, we are healthy and the church grows. A sick body cannot grow. You must be spiritually healthy. In particular, since we are the Lord's people, we must be armed with the Lord's word and prayer. Therefore, you must overcome sin and temptation to be healthy. We are armed with the Word and prayer so that the powers of Hades do not invade.
Fourth, The reason our church exists is to spread the gospel. We must recognize right away that evangelism is the Lord's last great command and the greatest mission. Help me to become your church and saints who preach "to the ends of the earth with grace. I hope that this year will be a year of evangelizing close neighbors and evangelizing other cultures through prayer and material in the 8 ranches.
“Therefore Go and Make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the Age."
I wish you a year full of God's grace and peace.
Senior Pastor Ji-Yong Lee